What's Happening
Dear God...
“The ocean is like God and raindrops are the religion. When they fall into the ocean they become one.”
Zoya Ahmed and Nurun Uddin

Local Community

Project In Progress
Facilitating Interfaith Activity is a project aimed at fostering meaningful dialogue and collaboration among diverse religious communities. This initiative seeks to create inclusive spaces where individuals from different faith backgrounds can come together to share perspectives, promote understanding, and cultivate mutual respect.
Project In Progress
Creativity Counts is a seven-week course in which members take part in a variety of creative activities to develop their sense of self. The activities are multi-sensory interactions, to encourage confidence and develop healthy habits.

Kidron Project’s mission is to equip individuals in Inverclyde with practical and emotional support that values the whole person. By ‘whole person’, we refer to the belief that people are body, mind and spirit, and that to improve a person’s wellbeing in one area of life, attention must be paid to improving wellbeing in every area of life.
Project on-going
The Linking Lives over-60s activity group at Mossley Hill church has been running for about 6 years and our main aim is to bring together people who are isolated or lonely for friendship and company. We meet weekly throughout the year and many members have now developed friendships outside of this time and keep in touch.

The majority of the group have some degree of mobility difficulty and so we provide minibus transport to the church and home again, most people would be unable to attend without this and this is the service for which we have very kindly been funded.
Project In Progress
Black Voices are extremely grateful to the Westhill Endowment for their support of our annual Doorstep Carnival event which, this year, was called Musical Garden. The carnival took place in our beautiful Community Garden at Grosvenor Road Studios on the afternoon of Saturday 31 August.

Local communities representing many faiths, and none came together to share and enjoy performances from local children, artists, and musicians, including the World Music Youth Choir, the Reggae Choir and the Bond Street Singers. We were also delighted to be joined by a CBSO quartet as part of the CBSO in the City programme.
Project In Progress
One Youth provides safe, youth-led spaces for 80+ young people aged 11 - 22 years each year across Brighton & Hove, including faith based youth activities (including contemplative sessions and spaces to explore ancient stories of faith), open access youth club sessions, a peer support group for vulnerable LGBTQ+ young people (Misfits) and a weekly after school club and meal for young people from low income families (Safehouse), as well as 1-2-1 informal mentoring and practical support for young people facing personal and financial hardship. One Youth is part of the wider family of projects and communities that make up One Church Brighton.

Project on-going

Time to Grow
Since 1845, the Elizabeth Fry Charity has been offering accommodation and support to vulnerable women. Today, the Charity runs Elizabeth Fry House, a twenty-four bed Ministry of Justice Approved Premises for women.

Elizabeth Fry House offers a balance of support and monitoring to help women transform chaotic situations and address issues that may prevent them from leaving the criminal justice system and leading safe, healthy, independent lives. The Time to Grow Therapeutic Gardening Project was launched in early 2023.

Project In Progress
Project Harmony
Muslim Women’s Council is a registered charity based in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Our vision is ‘for every woman, life with all its opportunities’, and our mission is to empower women for the benefit of society. Our project entitled ‘Project Harmony: Brewing Understanding’, is about developing an open space for women of Jewish & Muslim communities to engage in constructive dialogue about the Israel-Palestine conflict.

We hope to develop strong, lasting relationships based on commonalities and experiences among women from both communities, and to reduce stereotype, prejudice and misconceptions about each other’s communities.
Project Completed
Keynsham Girls’ Brigade wanted to learn about Christmas around the World so they set about a research project which included listening to stories from families about their traditions and learning where the different traditions originate from. They produced displays which were displayed in two community venues over the Christmas Period, as well as volunteering at the Winter Festival and Christmas Messy Church where they share some of the things they had been learning.
Project In Progress
Community Centenary Window
Francis of Assisi C of E Church in Bournville is approaching its 100th year anniversary in 2025 and one of the many ways in which hope to be celebrating this notable milestone is to create a stained-glass window using ideas from the entire Bournvillian community and beyond!
Project In Progress
Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Community and Christ Church Bexleyheath
Since July 2022, the Project Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Community (UOAC) in collaboration with Anglican Christ Church Bexleyheath have created a vital lifeline for Ukrainians in South East London. This initiative offers humanitarian aid, wellbeing support, language classes, and crafts sessions to help community members integrate into the UK, whilst still preserving and practicing their cultural heritage. Additionally, the community has established a Ukrainian School.
Project Completed
The reading Passion Play
Rise Theatre’s brand new, original, open air Passion Play took place in Forbury Gardens in Reading town centre in March 2024, as part of an ecumenical Easter Festival organised by The Gate. This free event for the people of Reading and the surrounding area attracted large crowds to reflect on and celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ during the Easter weekend.

Performed by a cast of professional actors, Rise Theatre brought their unique style to create an emotionally impacting performance. Plans are now in place to perform it again in Reading during Easter 2025.
Project on-going
Beloved supports women working in any area of the indoor sex industry in Bristol and the surrounding areas, promoting the dignity and self worth of every woman that we meet. We walk alongside the women and our aim is to offer love, hope and support to women whether they are remaining in the industry, seeking to leave or have already left.
Project In Progress
The Faith Guiding Course

The Faith Guiding Course is for those wishing to be trained to lead high-quality educational visits to places of worship. The Faith Encounter Programme has extensive knowledge of the faith sector and involvement with a wide range of faith-inspired organisations which has helped them to successfully engage collaboratively with diverse faith communities in Birmingham, the Midlands and further afield.

Their aims include offering customised courses in Faith Guiding to train Guides of all faiths to receive visitors with confidence and openness at their places of worship in the Midlands Region.
Project In Progress
Bridges for Communities monthly Peace Feast events in Bristol bring people together from different cultures and faiths who might not normally meet.  Guests share a meal, enjoy live music and hear amazing stories.   Last year 486 people attended a Peace Feast and we have to date organised 81 Peace Feasts with a combined attendance of over 5,300 people. There are 5 key ingredients: Food, Stories, Music, Friendship….And you!
Project on-going

Creative Soul
Nine Elms Arts Ministry have been delivering creative projects in the Nine Elms development area of London since 2018. They launched Creative Soul, a free Creative Health and Wellbeing programme, in 2022 to help nurture holistic wellbeing and bring the diverse communities together. Creative Soul Café offers opportunities for mindful craft activities in popular venues for local residents.

Creative Soul Parents sessions focus on supporting parents from local primary schools in their own wellbeing and encouraging their creativity through a range of art forms. A new programme, Creative Soul Space, is also planned. This will offer opportunities for gently exploring Christian spirituality through creative and immersive experiences.

Project on-going
Whilst awareness of poor mental health and wellbeing has grown, national statistics demonstrate men still report lower levels of life satisfaction than women and are less likely to access support. Whilst the Life Garage hasn't specifically been designed just for men, it has been created to open the well-being world to a different audience using the metaphor of the car, garage, and toolboxes. Rooted in psycho-social principles, The Life Garage adopts the perspective that we service our cars so they run well, so why not service our lives so we live life well.
Project In Progress
Hope Garden is a weekly therapeutic garden group in Sparkbrook ,Birmingham  open to men and women, many of whom are refugees. ,We often represent up to 15 different ethnicities in one session ,working and learning together to improve mental and physical wellbeing. We learn new skills eg composting and use of bokashi recently and grow and harvest our own fruit and vegetables . We have recently embarked on an ambitious wall art depicting our local surroundings.
Project In Progress
Living Well with Difference
Living Well With Difference is a project in Luton, run by The Feast Youth Project in partnership with Youth Network. We are running dialogue workshops with school-age students with the aim of equipping them to have more constructive discussions about divisive issues.

The students will explore The Feast’s Guidelines for Dialogue as a framework for the kind of dialogue that leads to increased understanding of one another – dialogue that allows people to understand “the other” even if they can never agree with them, in order to create a platform from which they can work together to bring life into their community. They will then practice the art of constructive dialogue.
Project In Progress
Project Playmaker Belfast
Project Playmaker is a new initiative from Onside Soccer which uses the power of football to improve the lives of children and young people.  Working in Belfast, we deliver free, cross-community football training sessions for children aged 7–14 years old, as well as a mentorship programme for young people aged 15-25, focusing on training to become community football coaches, gaining qualifications, work experience and moving towards paid employment.
Project In Progress

Hidden Treasure: Interfaith Music and Poetry Festival
Hidden Treasure was a project to bring people together of different faiths across rural Herefordshire to share the richness of poetry and music. Held in a 6th century church and former pilgrimage site over 30 folk joined us from Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Baha’i, Sufi and Buddhist Faiths. Poetry spanning centuries were read by the attendees and interspersed with contemplative music played on instruments from around the world. 

The workshops ranged from Persian Calligraphy to Poetry & Art. The local school prepared a display of their own poetry after visiting a waterfall in Wales. And the lunch table reflected the traditions - and appetites – of the different faiths present!

Project In Progress

Community and Schools Graffiti Project
The project will see a partnership between the church, three local primary schools and three different artists to create a new public art exhibition as part of the churches annual arts festival, but also leave an artistic legacy in one of the local primary schools. The project will see a mural painted as part of the churches work with that school, as well as a graffiti artist working with pupils in our three local primary schools to help them design, create and learn the skills to paint the work themselves.

Project In Progress

Soulful Sunday Mental Health Project
1 in 4 people in Bath will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year. 1 in 6 experience a common mental health problem (like anxiety and depression) in any given week. We’re running our Soulful Sunday ‘mindfulness’ get-together events to help address Bath's growing mental health epidemic.

There are never enough services available that can truly address the district's mental health issues. Our monthly programmes provide support in a non-judgemental, ‘all-welcome’ setting.

Project In Progress

The Open to All Exhibition is a tour of paintings in UK Cathedrals and large city centre churches to spread the message of God’s inclusivity. A partnership between fine artist Elizabeth Gray-King and Open Table Network, a charity supporting churches to welcome LGBTQI+ people and their advocates, the purpose is to open and continue dialogue amongst affirming Christians and people who visit their churches.

Our rationale is that large city centre sites welcome visitors and, in that process, can share the reality of God’s inclusivity to a wider and more varied set of visitors than local congregations.

Project In Progress

The Stroud Festival of Wonder held in November was designed to inspire wonder in an age of exhaustion. It offered a weekend of free activities centred around 5 spectacular circus performances, Magnificat!, based around the story of Mary saying ‘yes’ to the Angel Gabriel.

This free weekend proved a huge success for attendees of all ages with other events including dance, comedy, magic and music. The festival was based at St Laurence Church: the Stroud Centre for Peace and the Arts. Organiser Phil Coysh said, “This free event for the Stroud community received huge community interest with over 2,000 attending and support from over 100 volunteers. We are grateful to our funders for making this festival possible. It was truly a wonderful and deeply spiritual weekend.

Project In Progress
Many people want to pray but don’t know how or where to begin. The wonderful thing is that Christian nuns and monks have spent decades seeking God and learning how to overcome obstacles to prayer. Their wisdom and practices can help people encounter God in fresh and fulfilling ways.

Discovering Prayer’s guided prayer times and short online courses draw on these insights to help people learn how to pray. We are now developing an exciting new mobile app to enable thousands more to get into a life-changing rhythm of prayer.
Project In Progress
Community Threads

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Libya, and Syria. These are just four of the dozen or so nationalities represented at King’s Arms Project’s English Club. The ladies from English Club have asked us over the years to facilitate a sewing group for them to socialise, sew, speak English, and improve their job prospects.

King’s Arms Project, along with Westhill’s generous funding, has launched Community Threads to fulfil this dream. Community Threads will be a group where community development and skills training come together to help refugees and migrants stand on their own two feet in their new home country.
Project In Progress
JERICHO is a Birmingham-based charity giving people who need it most, the break they need to feel and be more employable. Our seven social enterprises across Birmingham provide work opportunities and individualised support for people who face real and significant challenges in getting a job.

Equiano Art provides art therapy sessions to female survivors of modern slavery engaged in JERICHO’s Equiano project. Sessions enable women to explore trauma, emotions, wellbeing, faith, identity and aspects of recovery through different creative media and within a safe environment.
Project In Progress
Toc H will deliver a programme of inclusive and reflective wellbeing support sessions to homeless and vulnerably housed adults in Blackpool South Shore. This work will be offered in partnership with St Peter’s Church and we hope will be the beginning of long and meaningful programme of work in the area. Blackpool South Shore has a limited number of free-to-access support services for adults experiencing homelessness and addiction, despite the high need in the area. These sessions will offer welcome and hope to those who need it most.
Project In Progress
Building bridges through restorative practice

The Mint House was formed from a collaboration involving academics, practitioners, faith groups and others. Our ‘Building bridges’ project will bring together restorative practitioners, academics and leaders from across sectors and specialists in areas such as culture change, organisational development and community engagement in a series of ‘research and practice dialogues’ during which participants will explore the challenges and creative opportunities for embedding restorative practice.
Project In Progress
Life Youth Hub Wirral offer a drop-in cafe three days a week, where young people from 4 local secondary schools can come to a safe space to play games, have a snack and chat to Youth Workers. Over five years they have developed great relationships with the schools and the local police. The Youth Hub currently have 190 young people on their books and regularly get 30 attending sessions. The Youth Hub also visit schools to offer 1:1 mentoring with some of the most vulnerable young people.
Project In Progress
Stories of Hope and Home is a small Birmingham-based charity with dual complementary aims: to create safe space for people seeking sanctuary to find support, build community and creatively explore their stories and experiences; and to create opportunities for their stories to be shared and heard through facilitating encounters, especially in schools.

We believe in the transformative power of these encounters to share the realities faced by people seeking sanctuary in order to break down barriers, to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions, and to change the narrative around the subject of forced migration and help to develop empathy and compassion.
Project Completed
Doorstep Carnival

ACE Dance and Music are deeply grateful to Westhill Endowment for their support of the Doorstep Carnival, which we delivered with Black Voices at Grosvenor Road Studios on 26 August 2023.  We welcomed over a thousand people to enjoy a street Carnival procession, a new photographic exhibition by local photographer, Rob Bailey, and music and spoken work performances by local artists and musicians in the Community Garden. Our event was themed around Windrush 75 and we welcomed many Elders – our Windrush Pioneers – to celebrate with us. Despite the rain showers, everyone had a wonderful time and we are already looking forward to next year’s Doorstep Carnival!

Project In Progress
Ignite ‘Detached’ is based in Attleborough, Norfolk.  It is one of seven projects run by The Ignite Youth Project.  ‘Detached’ is Friday Night Street Work - on the street support that’s ‘all about relationship’. It’s ‘A safe presence, support and free hot chocolate to any young person’.

Through 'Detached' young people are given time to build relationships of trust, and access advice and support on a wide range of issues.  It’s open to all local young people. We aim to create ‘A space where young people can experience meaningful connection, a greater sense of their significance and value within the community’.
Project In Progress
Caritas Aspire Education

Aspire Education is a project of Caritas Diocese of Salford, a social action charity based in the North West of England. Aspire Education works with refugees and asylum seekers to help the reach their education and career goals. This is done through English classes, mentoring, and wrap-around wellbeing support. 

We are incredibly grateful to Westhill Endowment for their generous grant towards the transportation and resource aspects on the project.  This will ensure that refugees are able to access lessons and are able to make use of quality resources during their time in the project.
Project In Progress
Interfaith Harmony, Encounter and Action

Our project aims at building strong, integrative relationships between minority and majority communities. It runs in several areas of the UK.

Celebrating Diversity – bringing together majority, minority, interfaith and multi-ethnic communities through the arts. We aim to build lasting positive community relationships using the skills of our artists, musicians, storytellers and community-builders. We invite local artistes to participate to foster equal cultural exchange and understanding in each locality.

Oxford Three Faiths Encounter – Spirit of Peace is part of this team, which delivers residential conferences and online events, bringing together Jews, Christians and Muslims for study, encounter, understanding, and lasting partnerships.
Project In Progress
Asylum seekers welcome and love project

Trinity Church Central London has grown from 1 to 88 Asylum seekers (+123 online with a significant presence in a Middle Eastern Country) in the last 18 months.

We help with clothes, a simple cooked meal on Sunday, transport to Church where needed and money for emergency food (where Children cannot eat the hotel food which is different from the food they are used to). We also offer help to process trauma for Asylum seekers and a safe space for friendship and community.  

Project In Progress
That’s how it really is

With over five decades of global experience in conflict zones, CHIPS is dedicated to fostering peace and reconciliation. We empower communities to instigate enduring grassroots transformations for restored peace. Since 2014, we've been actively engaged in Brixton, UK, focusing on countering youth violence through constructive avenues for young people. Filmmaking has proven to be a powerful avenue for Brixton's youth, teaching teamwork, collaboration, unity through the art of storytelling.

In 2021-2022, our youth crafted the poignant short film, "That's How It Really Is," shedding light on subjects like young carers, self-harm, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and child molestation. With support from Westhill Endowment, we are able to orchestrate eight screening events nationwide, encouraging dialogue, support, and proactive engagement among young people. These screenings provide an opportunity for the youth involved in the film to shape, develop, and facilitate critical conversations on these complex subjects, ultimately offering a platform for vulnerable exploration of the contemporary youth experience.
Project In Progress
Restored is a Christian charity with a mission to speak up about the realities of violence against women and girls, and to equip the Church to stand against domestic abuse and support survivors. We’re building a network of Restored Beacon churches: churches that never tolerate abuse, but instead provide a safe refuge for survivors, journey with them on their road to recovery, and demonstrate God’s deep love for them.
Project In Progress
Lichfield Cathedral is undertaking a year-long project to restore its central spire and increase engagement with its heritage. To do this, we are creating a community theatre project bringing to life the stories of the people connected with the founding of the Cathedral, including St Chad and Bishop Headda, and countless of pilgrims who have visited the Cathedral from AD700 to the present day.
Project In Progress
Spiritual care in the community at end of life

At end of life, spiritual support helps people to explore and connect with what matters most to them and work through difficult existential questions about life and death. The Hospice of St Francis’s spiritual advisory team supports patients admitted to the Hospice’s Inpatient Unit to address these issues.

Thanks to this grant, the team will be able to extend this support to people receiving care at home ensuring 40 more people find peace and acceptance as they approach the end of life.
Project In Progress
ACCEPT is a small charity whose vision is improved mental health for those experiencing difficulties and good mental health for the wider population, whose activities mostly take place at a community wellbeing garden in Barwell, Leicestershire.

Westhill’s kind provision includes the support of a weekly wellbeing gardening group and the production of permanent outdoor sculptures, alongside the loan of Westhill’s sculptures, to assist in working through the grieving process, as part of the Bereavement Support Project.
Project In Progress
Empowering the church to safely help offenders live crime free lives

Sixty-One helps prisoners and ex-prisoners lead meaningful crime-free lives within Greater Bristol. We do this by inspiring, enabling and supporting the local community to provide the relational and practical support offenders need.

Much of our activity is partnership based, particularly with churches. Westhill’s' funding will be used to fund our work supporting church-based Hubs. These provide regular community-based support to small groups of ex-prisoners. This support, combined with a local community connection, can make a profound impact on the offender’s life, and chance of reoffending.
Project In Progress
Faiths, Neighbours, Changemakers

The Smethwick Places of Worship Heritage Trail will be a chance for people to visit Smethwick, explore the diverse faith communities and learn about the history and current life of the different places of worship. There will be 3 trails of varying lengths that will incorporate Churches, Mosques, Gurdwaras and Mandirs, they will reveal something of the rich industrial history of the area and the way faith impacts daily life for people today. The trail will be launched in spring 2024 when people will be able to join organised walks or download maps and details and take the walk themselves.
Project In Progress
Learning about good community relations in South Asian Heritage Faith Communities.

There have been tensions in Leicester between members of different communities during the past eighteen months. We have been working with a wide range of community groups and individuals to develop a clearer understanding of the issues and enable people of differing perspectives to encounter each other in a safe and supportive environment.

Thanks to funding from Westhill, we will develop this work further through a focused study day. We will hear in turn Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, and Christian perspectives on the situation, before facilitating a reflective discussion amongst participants as to how to maintain strong community relations.
Project In Progress
Imago Dei is a Christian charity founded in 2016, working in the Criminal Justice Sector to provide courses for women in prison and continuing ongoing support once they leave prison. 

Working through the Chaplaincy departments of the prisons, our Christian values of showing compassion and support to those in need, underpin all our work with those who have had contact with the Criminal Justice System.  Our courses, through-the-gate, and community support work are accessible and welcome women of all faiths and none.
Project In Progress
The Avon Indian Community Association (AICA) is an umbrella organisation for Indian communities living in the Bristol area. Our vision is to provide a platform for promoting social cohesiveness within the current and new generations of people of Indian origin and the wider community.

The AICA also strives to create better understanding and awareness of Indian culture, heritage and values to encourage and promote cross and inter-cultural communication. One of the ways we achieve this is by running and celebrating important social events - bringing communities together to celebrate Indian history and culture. The Diwali Festival of Lights is scheduled to take place on the 10th November 2023.
Project In Progress
Diverse Voices

Bolton Lads and Girls Club (BLGC) is an innovative and progressive young people’s charity based in Bolton, Greater Manchester. Established in 1889, our mission is to enable children and young people, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to live healthier, happier, and safer lives. We believe that every child deserves the best start in life and chance to fulfil their potential.
Project In Progress
Faces (Faiths Against Child Sexual Exploitation) are a Christian-Muslim charity with a mission to build resilience within faith communities against child sexual exploitation and other forms of harm. We view faith as contributing positively towards safeguarding, rather than being a risk factor as it’s often framed.

We offer training to faith communities and external organisations, including schools, police and local authority. Supported by our own research into young people’s experiences of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in schools, we’re providing training for educators to equip them to shape and deliver faith literate RSE.
Project In Progress
Shieldfield Art Works is an arts organisation based in Shieldfield, Newcastle upon Tyne. SAW believes art and creativity are integral parts of human life, and with art’s unique ability to articulate, question and enquire, we can enact positive change in our communities and the world.

As a project of the Methodist Church, we are built upon Christian foundations of seeking truth, challenging injustice, social activism and operating for the common good. Our broad programme includes developing high quality art exhibitions, events, workshops, conferences, gardening and publications. Anyone, of any faith or none, is welcome to participate in our programme. (Photo credit: Adam Dixon)
Project In Progress
11+ Free Tuition Bursaries

Grammar Schools were always designed to improve social mobility….. So what has happened…?

Fairview Education provides Free Tuition Bursaries to disadvantaged children in Gloucestershire who qualify for Free School Meals (FSM) so that they have a better chance of passing the 11+ Grammar school entry examination.

Gloucestershire grammar schools are state funded but have a very low FSM intake (4.5%) compared with other secondary schools (16%). This is because the entry examination is so difficult that many parents employ private tutors to help their children prepare. This is simply unaffordable for FSM families and so we provide weekly face to face tutoring for free during the year before the examination.
Project In Progress
Equipping for Change

The Praxis Centre exists to help Christians bring hope and justice in their local communities and our society.  Our Hopeful Activists Podcast aims to inspire you with bold stories and deep discussion from a huge range of activists.

Our Praxis Labs online training creates space for would-be and existing change-makers to reflect, think and dream, as well as to learn practical skills for campaigning and community projects.
Project In Progress
Church Engagement

The Cinnamon Network makes it as easy as possible for local churches to set up sustainable social action projects, find funding and get the right support and training to make a positive impact.

To achieve this, they collaborate with a network of 37 grass-roots social action charities – known as the Cinnamon Recommended Projects. They are investing in the growth of this network, and together unlock the potential of churches of all denominations across the UK to make a difference in their communities. Please read on to find out more.
Project In Progress
Peace Feasts in Bristol
Bridges for Communities is a small, innovative charity that seeks to help make Bristol a more welcoming, inclusive and fair city.  Our projects connect people of different cultures and faiths, in order to challenge stereotypes and prejudice and promote friendship and understanding.  A major part of our work is focused on helping refugees and asylum seekers to feel welcome and part of the community here.
Project In Progress
Leicester Schools Peace Project

The Leicester Schools Peace Project is supporting the flourishing of our superdiverse city by creating a scheme of work for Peace Education from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4.  This project is in partnership with Leicester SACRE and will be part of the New Agreed Syllabus for Leicester. 
Project In Progress
The Hildegard Project

The Hildegard Project, builds on the work of the community, facing a rapidly changing world. We find ourselves in our 30th Anniversary Year and continue our dedication to the healing ministry.  Holy Rood House supports people of all ages in their physical, mental and spiritual health through recognising the interface between the gardens, arts, spirituality and justice, which get to the heart of this project.

Our therapeutic and theological work inform each other, challenging the community to respond to the health needs of individuals, especially children and young people, whose lives have been shattered due to the pandemic and who are struggling with the fears of climate change, war, and anxieties building up in their family lives. We are also seeking through this project to respond to the healing of communities and to the earth.
Project In Progress
The CARE Project

The Parish Trust is a registered charity based in Trethomas, Caerphilly. The charity was established in 2019 and is founded on Christian principles. There are many projects that come under The Parish Trust, one being ‘The CARE Project’.

The CARE Project helps alleviate food poverty by providing care packages of food and non-food essentials to users that are struggling financially, elderly or vulnerable individuals who are unable to leave their homes to purchase food from the shops. The CARE Project also offers a prescription collection service, a listening ear and pastoral care.
Project In Progress
The Lighthouse Creative Projects

The Lighthouse is a vibrant community hub that hosts a range of creative projects to support and empower those who find themselves on the margins.
Project In Progress
Relational Hub Collective

Relational Hub supports youth workers and their organisations to create sustainable youth work projects that provide a home away from home for the young people who need one most.
Project In Progress
Boro Cereal is an exciting initiative, designed to equip and empower Primary School aged children to engage with and improve their local culture, making a big difference in Middlesbrough.  Working with schools and churches, BiG KIDS will deliver a series of creative lessons, focussing on servant leadership, entrepreneurial and presentation skills, giving children opportunities to innovate social action community projects; inspiring them to change the negative cycles they often find themselves in. We believe that God has placed each of us in our localities and situations for a purpose – we hope to allow the children to find theirs.
Project In Progress
Hand to Mouth work in schools predominantly in West Yorkshire and Lancashire.  Much of our work is part of an HTM RE day, where collective worship may begin the day, with our popular puppet tales. 

Our puppets have been telling Bible stories now for over 20 years!  We then go on to lead lessons and Godly Play, allowing the children the opportunity to think about world issues and the life they lead.
Project In Progress
Supporting Parents Bereaved by Suicide

Peer support to parents bereaved by suicide offering the compassion, empathy, understanding, friendship, and hope that only other bereaved parents can give. The Compassionate Friends provides in-person support, either one-to[1]one, or in groups, including those dedicated solely to parents bereaved by suicide, and at weekend retreats for parents bereaved by suicide; online via Facebook or the community forum, or in online support groups for parents bereaved by suicide; on the phone or by email via our national helpline or through a Grief Companion; in print via our leaflets, including ‘After Suicide’, and our postal bereavement library.
Project In Progress
We work with asylum seeker and refugee families in Holbeck and Beeston which is an inner-city area in South Leeds.  We teach English to adults which is embedded in “getting to know and make relationships with the local community”. 

We also sign post them to other organizations who are able to assist them and go out to events. We run activities for the children of parents who are learning with us.  We feel that this is important as children so often have better English than their parents and by necessity become their parents’ helpers as the family tries to navigate their way through a system in a new language.
Project In Progress
The Social Integration Project aims to bring a diverse community together.

The town of Midsomer Norton in Somerset has changed over the years. Previously a buzzing market town, more opportunities are needed for its increasingly diverse cultural groups to mix and interact with each other. A sizable Muslim community now meets weekly in the Town Hall for prayer, and the local Hindu community has just opened the area’s first ever Hindu temple. 

The Social Integration Project aims to engage with all religious groups, hoping to create links for members to engage with wider civic society. We also want to create an environment where people of all backgrounds feel a sense of pride in the town.
Project In Progress
Finding Common Ground Through Calligraphy

Muslim Women’s Council is a registered charity based in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Our vision is ‘for every woman, life with all its opportunities’, and our mission is to empower women for the benefit of society. Our project, ‘Finding common ground through calligraphy’, is about using the beautiful art of calligraphy to bring together women of different faiths living in the same city, ensuring more women feel their stories are heard and valued. We will create an exhibition that encourages communities to converge and reflect on shared heritage living in Bradford regardless of faith.
Project In Progress
Love Weoley Castle (in South Birmingham) seeks to undertake community driven projects.  It gathers people together who live and/or work on the estate to share and create good news stories.  The projects evolve from these gatherings and can be as simple as planting flowers in public spaces to sending Santa letters at Christmas to running larger community events.  These all seek to promote the gifts and talents of our neighbourhood in an increasingly diverse area.
Project In Progress
The REC is working with Birmingham-based RE Today on a project to support the RE Syllabus writers, and curriculum developers, in their work on interpreting a Religion and Worldviews approach.  The Westhill grant will help fund the cost of an Expert Advisory Group.
Project In Progress
Jubilee Events is a social enterprise on a mission to bring positive change to the events industry. For us, jubilee is all about the joyful celebration of life, and the radical opportunity for a new beginning.

As a Grace Enterprises business, all employees are paid the real Living Wage and given the support they need to flourish in their job. We provide marquee hire services for weddings, parties and corporate events. This creates amazing side-by-side jobs where colleagues can be trained, supported and encouraged. We also offer events management and consultation services which enable us to provide an all-inclusive events package.
Project In Progress
Hope in Recovery

The Recovery Foundation exists to pass on the hope that we have by encouraging growth and recovery and positively impacting our community. We are a charity based in Birmingham with a focus on providing support to those recovering from a mental illness.

We offer a 12-month support package which includes Peer Support Groups, workshops, training and 1:1 support. Our main focus is to demonstrate that a mental illness isn’t a life sentence – there is hope. We teach people through our programme to find, grow and sustain hope throughout life’s ups and downs.
Project In Progress
As part of the church's ongoing support of our local community we established a network of little libraries around 7 years ago which has expanded most years and now totals 9 libraries in a mixture of public spaces and primary school settings.

3 years ago we set up a network of little pantries with the simple idea that people could place food in them or take as needed, we have discovered these to be a real blessing to our local community.
Project In Progress
Change Makers: Next Steps

Seedbeds runs Change Makers to bring together small groups of adults nominated from their local communities because they are seen to have the potential to become community leaders. This 5 month emerging community leaders programme culminates with the Change Maker pitching their idea for change to a Resource Panel. Scholarships are provided to make the programmes as accessible as possible.

Through Westhill’s support a new version of Change Makers will be offered at a Level III NCFE qualification in ‘Sustainable Community Leadership’. As many of our participants have no qualifications, we hope this recognised qualification could further a pathway of educational and vocational growth.
Project In Progress
Enabling Encounter Project

Stories of Hope and Home’s Enabling Encounter Project has two interdependent aspects. First, to create safe, welcoming and mutually supportive space for people with lived experience of seeking asylum to come together to build community and to explore and process their experiences. And second, to bring them together with others, facilitating encounters particularly with children and young people and those who work with them. Story-sharing and first-hand encounter have the power to transform understanding, to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions, and to develop empathy and compassion, which are the foundations for building relationships across diverse cultures and experiences.
Project In Progress
Festivals - Come and Celebrate.

Keynsham Girls’ Brigade is planning a series of displays at Victoria Methodist Church and Key Centre - Easter, Pentecost, Christmas, Fair Trade, Harvest and the Environmental importance of gardens. They will be informative, multi-sensory, thought provoking and accessible to different ages and abilities. They will also produce smaller displays in the Baptist Church garden which opens onto Keynsham High Street.
Project In Progress
Our Community Connect Programme aims to equip and empower churches and charities with the practical tools needed to connect with their communities: bridging gaps in service provision and overcoming divides.

Providing an opportunity for community leaders nationally to access essential training and support, we are enabling them to develop and deliver effective specialist mentoring and outreach projects: these projects aim to address complex social issues, including homelessness, poverty, and abuse; encompassing the holistic needs of the individuals they serve while increasing awareness and understanding of mental health within their wider community.
Project In Progress
The Ripple Effect

RJ Working is a Cornish charity that uses Restorative Practice to support young people to build their social and community connections, reduce loneliness and conflict and to take the lead in addressing social injustice issues in their lives and communities.

The Ripple Effect Programme enables young people to learn Restorative principles and language and develop their communication and problem solving skills. Westhill’s funding will enable over 70 young people from areas experiencing social and economic disadvantage in West Cornwall to have increased community connection, reduce their risk of social and school exclusion and empower them as leaders.
Project In Progress
Support of Afghan Refugees

Entraide was set up to support asylum seekers, refugees and other vulnerable migrants in Solihull and the surrounding area to facilitate their integration into society.

The project funded by Westhill aims to facilitate the integration of Afghan refugees resettled in Solihull and the surrounding area through befriending, leisure and recreational activities and employment support.
Project In Progress
XLP’s nationally recognised mentoring programme matches an at-risk young person with a trained mentor who encourages them to make positive life choices. Meeting every week for 30 weeks of the year, our mentoring focuses on ensuring young people aged 11-18 stay in education, aren’t involved in gang culture or antisocial behaviour, and work hard to achieve the goals they set.  XLP’s mission statement is: ‘To engage in long-term relationships that empower young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to complete their education, avoid anti-social behaviour and ultimately become independent and confident contributors within their communities.’

Project In Progress
 The Centre

‘The Centre’ provides safe, inclusive and welcoming provision for young people in Nottingham. It is an opportunity for young people to take part in weekly activities and access support in a holistic programme of creative and skill-building activities that include drama, dance, beatboxing and spoken word, enabling participants to catch a break in a supportive environment. (Photo: Owen Harvey)
Project In Progress
Connecting Communities

Combatting poverty and preventing homelessness has been our leading mission for more than 25 years. Embedded in communities of deprivation, we exist because chronic poverty, extreme inequality, and severe disadvantage exist in Greater Manchester.

Our Connecting Communities project focuses on the work we do with refugees and asylum seekers. We create an aspirational space for people to develop their English language skills, get involved with holistic activities and build a community.
Project In Progress
Gardening for Recovery

For over 55 years SCT has been supporting people in East London affected by homelessness and addiction.  Our projects provide stepping-stones towards recovery and a positive life.

Gardening is one of the activities offered in our Training & Development Centre, where SCT residents and members of the wider recovery community can learn new skills, make friends and have fun.

Our community gardens are in the grounds of St. Leonard’s Church at the heart of Shoreditch, and are carefully maintained by our students and volunteers throughout the year.
Project In Progress
Recourse to Refuge

Beauty for Ashes Refuges was set up in response to the plight of women and children fleeing domestic abuse who were being turned away from refuges due to their immigration status.  We envision a world free from domestic abuse. But until then we want to ensure that all women fleeing domestic abuse, regardless of their immigration status, are able to access refuge provision.

We will provide refuge in the North West of England for migrant women fleeing domestic violence, who due to the No Recourse to Public Funds Policy cannot access ‘normal refuge.’
Project In Progress
Antifreeze Homeless Centre

Off the Fence Trust works to redress the social and economic imbalances in Brighton & Hove. To achieve this we tackle both the root causes and the effects of emotional and physical poverty; walking alongside those impacted; providing practical support and taking hands and hearts to where they are most needed. Our Antifreeze project covers short-term emergency support, medium term care and long term solutions.

Project In Progress
Local community

Millions of families are facing not knowing where the next meal is coming from, so The Message Community Grocery is here to help. Inside a Grocery you’ll find a range of food option and families can join for £5 annual membership. This gives them access to three healthy shops per week at £3 per shop (worth £30+) as well as access to a range of support courses that are accessible to the whole family.
Project In Progress
The Loving Earth project: caring for the world we love.

The Loving Earth Project helps people engage with questions about the environment creatively, and without being overwhelmed, through an international community textile project and in other ways.

Travelling exhibitions of textile panels highlight some of the precious things at stake, and what some people are doing to help. These, and associated events, can inspire and empower further action. Please see our page for more information.
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