Dear God...
“The ocean is like God and raindrops are the religion. When they fall into the ocean they become one.”
Zoya Ahmed and Nurun Uddin

Nine Elms Arts Ministry

Creative Soul

Nine Elms Arts Ministry is a Christian ministry which grew from the appointment, in 2018, of the first Pioneer Minister in the Arts in the Church of England, serving the rapidly expanding area of Nine Elms around Battersea Power Station, one of the largest development areas in Europe.  The ministry encourages creativity, nurtures community, and promotes wellbeing, bringing together creatives, businesses, voluntary sector, and residents across the very diverse demographic.
It creates opportunities for local people to:

  • nurture their wellbeing - (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual)
  • engage with high-quality and accessible arts and culture in their immediate environment
  • come together from different parts of the diverse community together in meaningful encounters to build community cohesion
  • and, where appropriate to explore Christian spirituality through creativity.
Whilst underpinned by the Christian faith, Nine Elms Arts Ministry’s projects are actively welcoming and inclusive to those of all faiths and none. In 2022 they launched Creative Soul - a free Creative Health and Wellbeing programme, which has reached hundreds of local residents, through dance, visual arts, poetry, crafts and drama. The programme has been particularly successful in helping residents from a wide range of backgrounds address issues including social isolation and anxiety.
The Project

Through the support of Westhill Endowment, the ministry is being enabled to expand and develop some key aspects of the Creative Soul programme. Creative Soul Cafés have been running monthly on a Saturday morning in a restaurant and bar near the US Embassy. Residents from a wide demographic come together in sessions led by professional creatives to learn mindful craft activities and get to know neighbours they may not otherwise meet.

The project is now launching more intimate evening sessions, in a new café on one of the more under-resourced estates, with a thematic approach to encourage deeper conversations and greater pastoral support. Themes such as joy, kindness, love, hope will be explored in discussion and creative activity led by artists and members of the ministry.
Creative Soul Parents sessions were piloted in 2023, focussing on supporting parents from local primary schools in their own wellbeing, and encouraging their creativity through a range of art forms. This project is now working with schools and children’s centres to develop a regular group where parents can feel safe and supported through creative activities.  
A new programme, (working title - Creative Soul Space) is also in planning. Building on the ministry’s roots in the area, this will offer monthly immersive events that offer opportunities to gently explore Christian spirituality through creativity, in non-church spaces.
For more information please see:             
Social Media @nineelmsartsministry – Instagram and Facebook

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