What's Happening
Dear God...
“The ocean is like God and raindrops are the religion. When they fall into the ocean they become one.”
Zoya Ahmed and Nurun Uddin

3rd Keynsham Girls Brigade
Festivals - Come and Celebrate

Keynsham Girls’ Brigade is planning a series of displays at Victoria Methodist Church and Key Centre - Harvest and the Environmental importance of gardens, Food and how to reduce waste (as part of Keynsham and Saltford Eco festival), Remembrance, Easter, Pentecost, Christmas and Fair Trade.

They will be informative, multi-sensory, thought provoking and accessible to different ages and abilities. They will also produce smaller displays in the Baptist Church garden which opens onto Keynsham High Street.
ECO Festival

Page updated Oct 2022 

Keynsham and Saltford Community Festival was held from 12th to 16th October 2022.

On the Saturday Victoria Methodist Church was open from 10am to 3pm for people to view the Eco work undertaken by the girls from Keynsham Girls’ Brigade and there was an Eco service at the church on the Sunday. The church was also open 3x a week over the following two weeks for people to view the displays. Refreshments were served and activities were available.

It was lovely to see so many people visiting the church and spending time looking at our displays. Lots of positive comments including ‘the girls have obviously worked really hard and the displays are very informative’.

The ECO display presented by the Girl's Brigade demonstrated a tremendous amount of work put in by the Leaders to educate the girls and visitors to the church. A colourful and pictorial display showing where our food comes from, around the world, and how we are dependent on so many people for the provision of our food.

The event also includes a poster showing the effect of good food on our bodies, and another showing the most wasted food in the UK, and a thought- provoking exhibit based around the song 'Think of a world without....' showing all the things we have to be thankful for.

The girls had a lot of fun in producing this display, and must have learnt a great deal, and also played a large role in educating the numerous people who came to view it.
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