What's Happening
Dear God...
“Hardly anyone can ever find God because God is right at the end of your mind after all the background thoughts are gone.”
Maisie Satchwell-Hust

Trinity Church Central London
Asylum Seeker Welcome and Love Project
The Trinity Church Central London Love Project is about welcoming and loving refugees who come to the UK with Christ’s love.
We help with clothes, a simple cooked meal on Sundays, transport to Church where needed, costs covered for weekend away getaways and money for emergency food. We also provided much needed counselling and care to those going through particularly tragic and upsetting times and events. 
Our Refugee work has grown a significant amount over the last year. Since we received funding for the Westhill trust we went over 500 refugees being blessed and coming to a gathering.
We ran a day away at the end of October 2023.  The refugees and international congregation really integrated well. We are looking forward to Christmas coming up and celebrating together. Also we have some fun events planned for the new year.... 

Much work still to do but we are so thankful to the trustees for their partnership is this key work.

For more information please see

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