Dear God...
“The ocean is like God and raindrops are the religion. When they fall into the ocean they become one.”
Zoya Ahmed and Nurun Uddin

Keynsham Girls' Brigade

Christmas Around the World

Keynsham Girls’ Brigade wanted to learn about Christmas around the World so they set about a research project which included listening to stories from families about their traditions, and learning where the different traditions originate from. They produced displays which were displayed in two community venues over the Christmas period, as well as providing craft activities for The Winter Festival, and volunteering at Christmas Messy Church where they shared some of the things they had been learning.

Some of our activites:

Bûche de Noël: We showed the girls a picture of a Bûche de Noël — Christmas Log - and explained that it is said to date back to around 1870, when a pastry maker from Paris, France was inspired by the Christmas eve ritual of burning a log in the fire. The older girls made their own Bûche de Noël and all the girls and staff enjoyed eating a piece.

The Christmas Tree: We talked to the girls about the history of the Christmas Tree, the girls coloured in Christmas trees and decorated them with baubles and stars.

The story of the Poinsettia: We showed the girls a poinsettia and told them the story from Mexico. The girls made poinsettia flowers out of red, green and gold card. Lots of conversation came from the story and the fact that we all have something special to give.

Epiphany: The girls were given the letters to make the word Epiphany and the initial letters of gold Frankincense and Myrrh. They had to work out what words the letters made and represented -Clues were given! We talked about Epiphany and the visit of the 3 Kings to Jesus. The girls made crowns and Epiphany collages.

Messy Church: Approx 50 people attended Messy Church. They watched the Lego Christmas Story, sang carols, made Nativity craft and made Christmas craft linked to traditions in other countries.  Everyone also tried some stollen! 

This was all made possible by the Grant from Westhill. 


Ky log
Bûche de Noël - Christmas Log
ky mc log
Bûche de Noël - Christmas Log
Ky messy church1
Messy Church
keynsham 1
Messy Church
ky mc house
Messy Church - Gingerbread House
ky drawing tree
Messy Church
Ky poinsettia1
Ky poinsettia 2
ky mc craft
ky tree
ky drawing tree
Messy Church 
ky mc stollen
Ky Epiphany
Epiphany Display
Ky methodist display 1
ky Methodist display 2
Christmas Displays
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