Dear God...
“The ocean is like God and raindrops are the religion. When they fall into the ocean they become one.”
Zoya Ahmed and Nurun Uddin

The Recovery Foundation
Hope in Recovery

The Recovery Foundation is founded by Experts by Experience. This means people who have lived with different mental illness all contribute to the daily running, delivery and support offered by our charity.

We are blessed to have people of many different professions working with us providing a wealth of experience, including teachers, artists, social workers, youth workers, researchers, and those who have worked within the NHS.
Based in Birmingham our main group is called the ‘Hope Group’ this is a 4-week programme which helps people to identify what their hope is, learn coping skills and tools to cope with relapse and crisis, to consider how they can grow and sustain their hope and finally in the 4th week we look at how we can use our experiences to help others – by giving hope away.
Once a participant has completed our Hope Group they have the opportunity to become part of our ‘Hope Community’ which is a 12-month follow-up support programme and includes 1:1 support, access to free workshops, a Hope Celebration (which is our annual event), care packages sent to their homes and access to our training programme.
Participants can self-refer to our Hope Group, we also receive referrals through Social Prescribers, Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust and Forward Thinking Birmingham, Early Intervention in Psychosis Service.
Our programme has been designed and is delivered by Experts by Experience, all of whom have received training and the necessary checks to ensure we are providing a quality service. All of our services are free – no one should ever have to pay for hope.

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